Bob-bob-bobbin’ along

I am lucky to have a family of robins nesting in my front garden. I’ve unofficially sub-let privets to blackbirds, and plenty of sparrows have nested under the eaves and currently in a hole in the wall, but in ten years I think robins are a first.

I am surprised how tame this cheeky little chap actually is. My auntie who lives round the corner has had one feeding out of her hand before today. My robin won’t, but he’ll cheerfully watch me pegging washing out, and pottering about with a trowel.

The unfortunate thing is, the nest is hiding in a rose bush over the wall. I have a very old Dorothy Perkins rambler which is wick* again, and I must butcher it today to stop it from taking over a border. And obviously I’m very wary of getting out the Roseclear…

Anyway, here are some images of my honoured guest.


The first proper image I caught was on a water butt outside the front door. I had to be quick so he’s not quite in focus. And I chopped his tail off.


He’s got something in his beak, ready to swoop back  in and feed the kids.


This time he perches on a basket of weeds I’ve been pulling out.


And this image was taken yesterday evening after the hottest day of the year in these here Northern parts so far. The thing on his head is actually a fly of some type.

Now I may have been doing our poor robin an injustice here by assuming its a HE. Turns out, female robins are pretty similar, but not quite. Females are said to be slightly less vibrant-looking, while males have darker heads and maybe white throats. My pictures (although definitely a robin couple) may not even be the exact same one. If anyone has any robin ID info, I’d be pleased to know.

*Wick means plants which are diseased, infested with greenfly etc.

4 thoughts on “Bob-bob-bobbin’ along

  1. I always find Robins appear to be as interested and as curious about us as we are of them. One of my very favourtie birds. I had a pair nesting in a Virginia Creeper growing up my garage a few years ago. Lovely images, Jill!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Thanks Pete. Was gardening today and a robin kept watching me, flitting very near, almost landing on me. Tried to hold a worm out for him, but he didn’t quite come for it till I put it down.


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